Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 16

For the main character João or former Brabo, I want him to have the stereotypical hero voice. Kind of strong but a hint of compassion. This will tie into his personality because he is good leader who is strong, courageous, and brave.

As for the mythical creature antagonist Pachu, I have chosen to give the some harsh dialogue that is sort of straight to the point and quite frank. I want him to have  maybe a different voice when he is in his human form then when he is immortal. Probably a more strong and meaningful voice.

I have also chosen the King of the village at the time to be King Leonardo III. I have shortened it to just plain old King Leo for the kids. Since he is a king I want him to be very influential and maybe a bit more demanding. He is a kind person though, and only wants the best for his people.

King Leo: Olá! How are you on this fine sunny morning?
João: Olá! Quite amazing actually! Thank you for asking my King. And how are you?
King Leo: Very good actually João. I'm just taking in the nice weather this morning. But I hear it's going to chover tomorrow.
João: Yes I have seen the weather patterns lately, it doesn't look good for tomorrow King.
King Leo: I hope it's not as bad as last mola, or it would be dreadful for the crops.
João: I sure hope not. Well, I have to get going. Adeus King Leo.
King Leo: See you around, adeus João.

I put the Portuguese words in italics so they are easy to identify.

Olá = Hello
Chover = to rain
Mola = Spring
Adeus = goodbye

1 comment:

  1. I like you description and the voices that you chose for each character! [=
