Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 2

      In my folktale I found a couple of motifs. One was honor, and the other was bravery. In the story the giant named "Antigonus", was a bully and acted horribly towards the town people of the Belgian city. He acted brave and strong, but was truly a coward and the least bit brave.
     In the story there are some very typical characters. Such as the giant as the antagonist, and Brabo as the protagonist or hero of the story. There are some minor characters that support them, but it is mostly character vs character in this situation.
     I want to retain the main ideas of the story and the morals. The setting and time period is a bit old, and I want to modernize it as well. It might be kind of a challenge giving that there are some factors about the setting and plot. I want to dismiss the things the giant does to the townspeople as a punishment for not obeying him though.


  1. I think that keeping it in the same time period but also modernizing it is a Great idea! I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  2. Remember, folktales are supposed to represent older times. There are not many fantasy or mythology creatures and items in modern times, so try to keep it back in the day.
