Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 7

     In my story I have two major characters, Brabo and Antigonus. They are very different since one is the antagonist and the other, protagonist.

-Physical Traits: tall, dark hair, brown eyes, strong, skillful, wears normal clothes of the time period, very good manners
-Personal History Traits: catholic, some education, he is a single man living on his own. He is a salesman and respected man of the community
-Inner Person Traits: respectful, compassionate, reliable, fears the fall of his people and town. He sees himself as equal as everyone else in the town. He has always dreamed of owning a big space of land so he can have a farm with kids.

-Physical Traits: very tall, dark eyes, heavy built, very strong, wears armor (I've decided to set the time back in the old days after all). Scar on right cheek. He is secretly a Besta-Fera, which is a centaur like creature though to be the devil in Brazilian culture. He transforms into human form to disguise himself among all other humans.
-Personal History Traits: no religion, single and lives by himself in his castle, works as a blacksmith, likes to keep to his own self
Inner Person Traits: No manners, does not respect anyone at all. He sees himself as a man of his word and bigger and more important than all the others of the town. Has always dreamed of owning and running his own town the way he wants it and all by himself.


  1. thats great how you set up the characters description of each one it helps to compare the characters and find what kind of features they may share with each other

  2. I can see BOTH of your characters in my mind. You have done a good job with descriptions. I like how you have chosen to set the story back in the olden days, as it will add to fantasy and historical culture.

  3. These are wonderful descriptions! For some reason I'm picturing Antigonus as a Greek God or something hehe...(you kind of described him that way anyways...)

    And I'm picturing Brabo as a merchant wearing brown raggedy clothes on a street corner trying to sell cabbages! (I wonder where I got that from...)

    Good descriptions, my friend.

    Have a nice day.
