Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 3

     One of the major differences from Belgium and Brazil is the environment. The climate in Brazil is mostly tropical and temperate in the southern areas. While in Belgium the climate is mostly temperate, mild winters, cool summers, rainy, cloudy, and humid. I really want to incorporate the Brazilian environment and the backdrop of some of the mountains there.
     The religion in Brazil is made up of about 80% Roman Catholic. While in Belgium the religious views are 75% Roman Catholic, and 25% Protestant or other. So there is a great compatibility between religious views of both cultures. I do not really see how religion would fit in the folktale though.
     Something else I found very different is population size. There are about 184,101,109 Brazilians, and 10,348,276 Belgians. That is a great difference of about 8,000,000 people! I want to incorporate that with maybe a bigger city and many more people in my pastiche.
     The wildlife of Brazil and Belgium are very different. In Brazil there are, all kinds of monkeys. There is a wide variety of jaguars and pumas. There are the well known piranhas, and alligators, and pink dolphins. Flamingos and parrots are also indigenous to the rain forests of Brazil. Also, 30% of species of plants are endemic to Brazil. There are even many species of carnivorous plants!
     The wildlife of Belgium includes wild boars, wildcats, deer,  muskrats, and hamsters. I saw there is a huge difference in exotic animals. I want to use that to my advantage in my story as well.


  1. My bad, a difference of about 170,000,000 people!

  2. I think your overall blog was pretty good, and very descriptive. Although you didn't include any links (of websites), or any type of pictures. Despite those mishaps, your blog is still pretty good. I would also think it could have more a couple more paragraphs since it's supposed to be descriptive. I do think you explained yourself pretty in the number of paragraphs you have. Good job.!

  3. Hey Ramoncito you did a good job talking about Brazil!

  4. I agree with Janicka. When you miss a class, you need to come and make sure you got everything we did in class. Edit your post and put a link and picture to enhance your blog.
