Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 6

The language of Brazil is Portuguese of course! It is the fifth most spoken language in the world, and the most widely spoken language in the southern hemisphere. I kind of understood some of the words because it is close to Spanish, but a lot of words are still very different.
Hello = Olá!
Goodbye = Adeus
Good morning = bom dia
Good afternoon = bom tarde
Good night = bom noite
How are you doing? = Como você está fazendo?
Giant = Gigante
River = Rio
City = cidade
Prison = Prisão
Obey = Obedeça

I still haven't decided whether to integrate the language into my pastiche. I want to include some of the usual words into the story dialogue and include a translation page at the end of the book to look back on. It would really make the story much more Brazilian! 

1 comment:

  1. Two paragraphs! Please edit this post and write two paragraphs, or you will not receive credit.
