Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 9

     In the folktale the giant Antigonus wields a giant axe to cut off the hands of the townspeople who disobey his will. Then he throws the hands of his victims into the massive river. I really want to incorporate a weapon that is connected to Brazilian culture. One thought may be a sword or a machete. They were very common in Brazil, even today in modern days.
    Also adding to the mystical part of the story. Since Antigonus is going to be a magical being, I want the actual weapon to be magical as well. Maybe if he cuts a part of you, you can have it back only if you obey him and he can give it back. Instead of throwing the hands into the river, then the story can have a good ending with all the victims getting their hands back!

1 comment:

  1. Once again, how nice of you to join the rest of the bloggers, eh?

    Antigonus still sounds like some sort of Greek God. I don't quite understand the hands thing =/ The way you described it with the axe, it may be a bit too violent. I'd stick with the magical removal of the hands..

    Well, at least you described the magical essence wonderfully...

    Have a nice day.
