Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 8

      In this picture I found of some local Brazilian boys. They are all huddled up and one of the boys is holding a soccer ball. It shows inspiration, and perseverance. Even if these kids do not have shirts on their back and good clothes they are still very happy and content with friendship, and make the best of what they have.
     A story that may come out of this story is a story about a boy's soccer dream. The boy with the soccer ball may love soccer and it may be his passion. He practices every day and does his best every day even as a little boy to chase his dream. And all of his friends around him love soccer too and want to succeed with him.

1 comment:

  1. How nice of you to decide to do this blog.

    Now, for critiques..."a story that may come out of this story is a story" - you confuse me there. On your second paragraph, I'm unsure of whether or not you're talking about the picture (which I'm sure you are...that first sentence confuses me) or your story.

    As for compliments...I like the font. It's pretty.

    Have a nice day.
