Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 4

      I want the setting to really capture Brazilian culture. The weather might be hot and sunny with some humidity. Probably in a big city like Rio de Janeiro. Very large, populous, and with a very beautiful background setting.
     In my folktale the setting is set around a town and a very important river that brings everyone together thanks to the rich trade. Brazil just happens to have numerous rivers. So one place is going to be the river. Then the giant's living place, and the city streets and sales areas. Most of the story is going to be during the day, but a couple of the important scenes are going to be in the middle of the night.
     I have not really decided exactly what year and time my story is going to be though. I want the story to be very modern and up to date. But I want to include some old aspects in it as well. I'm not sure on how I am going to do that.
     Some of the story will take place in a prison type of area. In the dungeons is where the giant puts his victims if they disobey his orders. It is going to be very dark, damp and wet, and very few windows as I imagined it. And in the folktale it says the giant owns a castle near the river. I do not know the equivalent of a castle back then to modern day Brazilian architecture.


  1. I really like how you want to keep things up to date becaue I am sure little kids do not want to hear about some old stuff (because they will get bored really easily). Other than that I like this idea that you have.

  2. You should choose a specific river near Rio de Janeiro and have that be your setting. Also, how are you going to explain giants in modern times, since they are fantasy creatures. We are going to write a blog about fantasy and magic. How will you integrate it into your story? Like Harry Potter?
