Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 10

     The experience of blogging is a great idea. The experience of writing all of your ideas and expressing everything so people can help you is awesome! It's a lot better then writing a paper definitely! In a paper you kind of just cram all this information into one paper and hope for the best. In blogging you get feedback, better ideas, more time, better research opportunities.
     Blogging has kind of changed the way I think about things. I used to just want to do something and never lay everything out and choose the best information and never think anything through. The blogging experience has really helped everyday blogging. It helps because maybe one day I have a good idea, and the next day I have an even better idea. Before I would of just gone with the better idea. Compared to now I would try to combine both the good ideas and make a fantastic idea! 


  1. I like how you explained your thoughts in this blog... Very well presented :)

  2. Good job, I am very glad that this experience in blogging has made you think this way. As well good explanation of how you feel about this experience. Your also right it is better because you get feedback in what your thinking to get a different view and get a better knowledge.

  3. I agree with you best friend. And it's good to look back on.
