Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 17

I chose the folktale "The two brothers and the white-bearded old man" to compare to my original folktale, "Brabo and the giant". There are a lot more differences then similarities between the two folktales. I could not find another exact Belgian one, or another one by the same author since there is no exact author.

In the folktale "The two brothers and the white-bearded old man" there are two brothers that decided to venture for happiness from village to village. They meet an old man, and he wants to help them. The older brother accepts the 2 gifts from the old man without hesitation. Then the old man asks for who will help him carry this huge sack to his town. The younger brother answered this time, and the old man told him to keep the sack. The sack was full of precious gems, and when he looks up to thank  the old man he is no where to be seen. Pretty much kindness is always rewarded after all.

The moral of the story is different from my folktale. My folktale's moral is that bullies will always be defeated in the long run, one way or another. They are two very good morals that kids should use in everyday life though. Kindness always really does pay off, sometimes in unexpected ways; and karma will always come back with a vengeance.

Some similarities between the folktales are kind of hard to find, but once found make some good sense. They both have an eager, selfish, greedy character who just wants more and does not care for others and their well being. They both also have a character who does care about others more then greed and wealth, and is rewarded in the end greatly. 


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