Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 16

For the main character João or former Brabo, I want him to have the stereotypical hero voice. Kind of strong but a hint of compassion. This will tie into his personality because he is good leader who is strong, courageous, and brave.

As for the mythical creature antagonist Pachu, I have chosen to give the some harsh dialogue that is sort of straight to the point and quite frank. I want him to have  maybe a different voice when he is in his human form then when he is immortal. Probably a more strong and meaningful voice.

I have also chosen the King of the village at the time to be King Leonardo III. I have shortened it to just plain old King Leo for the kids. Since he is a king I want him to be very influential and maybe a bit more demanding. He is a kind person though, and only wants the best for his people.

King Leo: Olá! How are you on this fine sunny morning?
João: Olá! Quite amazing actually! Thank you for asking my King. And how are you?
King Leo: Very good actually João. I'm just taking in the nice weather this morning. But I hear it's going to chover tomorrow.
João: Yes I have seen the weather patterns lately, it doesn't look good for tomorrow King.
King Leo: I hope it's not as bad as last mola, or it would be dreadful for the crops.
João: I sure hope not. Well, I have to get going. Adeus King Leo.
King Leo: See you around, adeus João.

I put the Portuguese words in italics so they are easy to identify.

Olá = Hello
Chover = to rain
Mola = Spring
Adeus = goodbye

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 15

My animoto was alright. I think it could have been better because I couldn't really find anything else to talk about while is was up there. I might have found some better pictures of the Belgian culture though. They were mainly pictures of art and the back canvas of the country. The Brazilian pictures were alright too.

The animoto was kind of disappointing to me. I could have talked more and been more specific about my exact story line and plot. Also I could have put more pictures that sort of related to my pastiche and the original story more. The pictures were really good in my opinion, but I think I could have found some better ones.

Overall I think I did really good! I chose a really good song to go along with the Brazilian culture and all. And I liked the back round that I chose to go along with the whole animoto. It took me a while to get it finished, but I didn't do too shabby!

Day 14

So in the first event it kind of introduces the characters of the story, and shows that Antigonus is the mythical creature that he is. Everyone knows that he is mythical, but nobody knows that he turns back to mortal form at a certain time.

The next event is the next day when he starts an uproar and is mad with the whole villagers. Then he shows his powers to all of the villagers and they fear him. He tells them that if they don't do as he says he will kill them as an example to everyone of what not to do.

This happens over a duration of months, and he gets his way. The villagers and the king finally have enough and plan a rebellion against him. They all get together while he is asleep and plan to spy on him in search of any weaknesses. They find out that he becomes mortal unwillingly at midnight.

They come up with a plan to trap him in his castle and destroy him at midnight since he would not be immortal. They do this a couple days later to get everything prepared and then do the plan.

The plan works and he is killed, and everyone in the village is happy again. All the money that he made the villagers pay for living is given back to them. They destroy his castle home and build something beneficial in its place.

So the whole story will take place in about a 4-5 months and the main action happens within a daily process of time.

Day 13

The message in the original Belgian folktale was that karma always comes back to mean people. Since the giant wanted to overthrow the village for the trade and make money from taxing the heck out of all the ships passing through. If they didn't pay the tax, then he would cut off they're hands and throw them into the river. In the end they killed the giant and threw his hands into the river.

In my pastiche I wanted to keep the same moral in the original folktale. I haven't researched any rivers near the city of Rio de Janeiro. I want the new Antigonus to be very cruel and hateful to all of the villagers. Then I want all of the villagers to do something that will make him mortal or kill him while mortal. Moral is, karma always comes back even to the meanest of people.

Day 12

My folktale "Brabo and the Giant" is more of a Trickster Folktale. It's about a giant that gets outsmarted by an average man and some villagers. Antigonus the giant is not very smart at all, and is more muscle then brain. He doesn't think anything through, but Brabo is very smart and brave.

In my new story it transitions to the Fairytale category. I added mythical creatures and a lot of mythical themes related to the time period. It really takes away the part of outsmarting someone larger or of that concept. It really makes a difference because there isn't any giants in Brazilian mythology.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 11

     I've never really noticed that a lot of folktales integrate numbers into them until Mr. Prier brought it up! Numbers are really important in movies, stories, folktales, and just about everything else! I can't really find anything unique or cunning to fit into my story though.
     One idea was about Antigonus. Since he is a mythical creature in my story I want a number to bring his demise. Maybe a certain amount of something will kill him, or he can only do a certain number of things. I need some help on this! I would surely appreciate it from you all!
     Another idea may be that he turns back into human form after a certain time of day. Maybe at midnight he becomes mortal and he is able to die since he is immortal while in mythical state. Then they attack him while he is vulnerable. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 10

     The experience of blogging is a great idea. The experience of writing all of your ideas and expressing everything so people can help you is awesome! It's a lot better then writing a paper definitely! In a paper you kind of just cram all this information into one paper and hope for the best. In blogging you get feedback, better ideas, more time, better research opportunities.
     Blogging has kind of changed the way I think about things. I used to just want to do something and never lay everything out and choose the best information and never think anything through. The blogging experience has really helped everyday blogging. It helps because maybe one day I have a good idea, and the next day I have an even better idea. Before I would of just gone with the better idea. Compared to now I would try to combine both the good ideas and make a fantastic idea! 

Day 9

     In the folktale the giant Antigonus wields a giant axe to cut off the hands of the townspeople who disobey his will. Then he throws the hands of his victims into the massive river. I really want to incorporate a weapon that is connected to Brazilian culture. One thought may be a sword or a machete. They were very common in Brazil, even today in modern days.
    Also adding to the mystical part of the story. Since Antigonus is going to be a magical being, I want the actual weapon to be magical as well. Maybe if he cuts a part of you, you can have it back only if you obey him and he can give it back. Instead of throwing the hands into the river, then the story can have a good ending with all the victims getting their hands back!

Day 8

      In this picture I found of some local Brazilian boys. They are all huddled up and one of the boys is holding a soccer ball. It shows inspiration, and perseverance. Even if these kids do not have shirts on their back and good clothes they are still very happy and content with friendship, and make the best of what they have.
     A story that may come out of this story is a story about a boy's soccer dream. The boy with the soccer ball may love soccer and it may be his passion. He practices every day and does his best every day even as a little boy to chase his dream. And all of his friends around him love soccer too and want to succeed with him.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 7

     In my story I have two major characters, Brabo and Antigonus. They are very different since one is the antagonist and the other, protagonist.

-Physical Traits: tall, dark hair, brown eyes, strong, skillful, wears normal clothes of the time period, very good manners
-Personal History Traits: catholic, some education, he is a single man living on his own. He is a salesman and respected man of the community
-Inner Person Traits: respectful, compassionate, reliable, fears the fall of his people and town. He sees himself as equal as everyone else in the town. He has always dreamed of owning a big space of land so he can have a farm with kids.

-Physical Traits: very tall, dark eyes, heavy built, very strong, wears armor (I've decided to set the time back in the old days after all). Scar on right cheek. He is secretly a Besta-Fera, which is a centaur like creature though to be the devil in Brazilian culture. He transforms into human form to disguise himself among all other humans.
-Personal History Traits: no religion, single and lives by himself in his castle, works as a blacksmith, likes to keep to his own self
Inner Person Traits: No manners, does not respect anyone at all. He sees himself as a man of his word and bigger and more important than all the others of the town. Has always dreamed of owning and running his own town the way he wants it and all by himself.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 6

The language of Brazil is Portuguese of course! It is the fifth most spoken language in the world, and the most widely spoken language in the southern hemisphere. I kind of understood some of the words because it is close to Spanish, but a lot of words are still very different.
Hello = Olá!
Goodbye = Adeus
Good morning = bom dia
Good afternoon = bom tarde
Good night = bom noite
How are you doing? = Como você está fazendo?
Giant = Gigante
River = Rio
City = cidade
Prison = Prisão
Obey = Obedeça

I still haven't decided whether to integrate the language into my pastiche. I want to include some of the usual words into the story dialogue and include a translation page at the end of the book to look back on. It would really make the story much more Brazilian! 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 5

In the folktale, the giant's name is Antigonus. Antigonus originates from a man who lived around the time 382 BC. He was a general for the massive army of Alexander the Great. I found this interesting because his name derives from a man or violence and the army. The giant is also like this and very violent.

Giant: Pachacuti (from Inca emperor's name)
Brabo: João (common Brazilian male name)

Those are the only two main characters in the folktale. But because this is going to be a child's book I wanted to make the names a little more easy. For Pachacuti, I want to shorten it out to maybe Pachu or Pachi. I haven't made my mind. I am going to keep João since it's easy and really cool looking with the accent over the letter!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 4

      I want the setting to really capture Brazilian culture. The weather might be hot and sunny with some humidity. Probably in a big city like Rio de Janeiro. Very large, populous, and with a very beautiful background setting.
     In my folktale the setting is set around a town and a very important river that brings everyone together thanks to the rich trade. Brazil just happens to have numerous rivers. So one place is going to be the river. Then the giant's living place, and the city streets and sales areas. Most of the story is going to be during the day, but a couple of the important scenes are going to be in the middle of the night.
     I have not really decided exactly what year and time my story is going to be though. I want the story to be very modern and up to date. But I want to include some old aspects in it as well. I'm not sure on how I am going to do that.
     Some of the story will take place in a prison type of area. In the dungeons is where the giant puts his victims if they disobey his orders. It is going to be very dark, damp and wet, and very few windows as I imagined it. And in the folktale it says the giant owns a castle near the river. I do not know the equivalent of a castle back then to modern day Brazilian architecture.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 3

     One of the major differences from Belgium and Brazil is the environment. The climate in Brazil is mostly tropical and temperate in the southern areas. While in Belgium the climate is mostly temperate, mild winters, cool summers, rainy, cloudy, and humid. I really want to incorporate the Brazilian environment and the backdrop of some of the mountains there.
     The religion in Brazil is made up of about 80% Roman Catholic. While in Belgium the religious views are 75% Roman Catholic, and 25% Protestant or other. So there is a great compatibility between religious views of both cultures. I do not really see how religion would fit in the folktale though.
     Something else I found very different is population size. There are about 184,101,109 Brazilians, and 10,348,276 Belgians. That is a great difference of about 8,000,000 people! I want to incorporate that with maybe a bigger city and many more people in my pastiche.
     The wildlife of Brazil and Belgium are very different. In Brazil there are, all kinds of monkeys. There is a wide variety of jaguars and pumas. There are the well known piranhas, and alligators, and pink dolphins. Flamingos and parrots are also indigenous to the rain forests of Brazil. Also, 30% of species of plants are endemic to Brazil. There are even many species of carnivorous plants!
     The wildlife of Belgium includes wild boars, wildcats, deer,  muskrats, and hamsters. I saw there is a huge difference in exotic animals. I want to use that to my advantage in my story as well.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 2

      In my folktale I found a couple of motifs. One was honor, and the other was bravery. In the story the giant named "Antigonus", was a bully and acted horribly towards the town people of the Belgian city. He acted brave and strong, but was truly a coward and the least bit brave.
     In the story there are some very typical characters. Such as the giant as the antagonist, and Brabo as the protagonist or hero of the story. There are some minor characters that support them, but it is mostly character vs character in this situation.
     I want to retain the main ideas of the story and the morals. The setting and time period is a bit old, and I want to modernize it as well. It might be kind of a challenge giving that there are some factors about the setting and plot. I want to dismiss the things the giant does to the townspeople as a punishment for not obeying him though.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 1

     I chose the Belgian folktale, Brado and the giant. I chose the folktale because mainly of the title of it. When I saw the title, I already imagined what it might look like as a finished product. I really liked what I saw, and I read most of the folktale. I am very glad with my choice!
     I am rewriting Brado and the giant in Brazilian culture. I think that Brazilian culture is pretty cool and very unique compared to all other South American countries. European to South American is a very drastic change, and that is the main reason why I chose Brazil. The environment is very different between Belgium and Brazil and there might not even be giants in Brazil!